Dec 292012

With Debian 7.0/wheezy getting closer to release time, it was time to try it out. It felt like a good idea to rather install Debian 7.0/wheezy on a new server than to stick to the current stable release, as it would save me upgrade time later. As with Debian 6.0/squeeze, it seems real hardware text […]

Dec 152011

Had this problem with my garage door opening at random times. Figured it was the external fixed code receiver, so I replaced everything with rolling code receivers, with matching transmitters obviously. So big was my surprise when a friend visited and my garage door opened as he was locking his car. Turns out I forgot […]

Mar 092011

Been considering doing some writing for some time now. Maybe pen down solutions to problems I encountered and struggled with for a while. Maybe someone else would find my solutions worthwhile. Maybe it will help me as well. So, here goes. Hello world!

 Posted by at 23:30